bumped into Linda and Shaun Freeman at possos on moday.
we were the only three people in sight. oh how i love modays!
anyway, they were nice enough to snap a few shots of me skurfing.
check them out on shauns blog http://leftinvacancy.blogspot.com/
they are living the dream. glad some of us are
Surfing Legend Rusty Miller sum's up the 'Two Weeks' experience:
"Two Weeks touches on many of the essential questions many of us should be asking of ourselves, making you think and hopefully act!
Byron Bay surfer and filmmaker Johnny Abegg (On Credit and "___") is coming to Torquay with his Two Weeks film experience, accompanied by the "Dirty Sweet, Heartfelt Folk" of Soloist Musician M. Jack Bee, who will launch his live EP "In Loops".
This amazing event will held be on Tuesday December 14, at the Surfworld Museum Theatre (7:30pm). Tickets are $10 on the door, and is film and music event not to be missed.
An introspective documentary, Two Weeks follows Abegg as he ventures deep into the heart of the Tasmanian Wilderness alone, to gain clarity during a period of growing confusion and unhappiness.
A limited edition Two Weeks book with dvd will be available, as well as T-Shirts and copies of M. Jack Bee's new EP "In Loops".
$1 from each ticket sold will go to Still Wild, Still Threatened; a group of Grassroots Activists protecting the Ancient Growth Forests of Tasmania.
PAGE THIRTY THREE. Page Thirty Three is the brain child of the lovely Ryan and Bianca.
These two are extremely talented artists and just all round beautiful people, the kind of people that make life that much better for having them in it. I have no doubt that this will have been transferred into their little baby that goes by the name of Page Thirty Three.
Making quirky little home-wares like recycled plastic guitar fly swatters and not so little giant sized lavender and cacao tea bags for your bath.
check out their website, just because you can, and its really cool stuff. http://www.pagethirtythree.com
TED ideas worth spreading amazing experiences interesting theories a good way to pass a rainy day. check out the website these are just a few of the many great talks.